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Alaska Malamute

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“LightxCity is a wonderful place to buy a pet dog! I brought my family here to choose a dog, and everyone was so happy. The environment is clean and comfortable, and all the dogs are healthy and playful. The staff has a lot of knowledge and is eager to provide useful information on dog care. I picked an English Bulldog, and I couldn’t be happier with my choice!”

Jack Lance

“LightxCity is an amazing place to find a pet dog! I just bought a Chihuahua from here, and I couldn’t be happier. The staff is very friendly and knowledgeable about the different breeds, which made it easy for me to choose. My puppy is healthy and incredibly adorable. I’ll definitely recommend LightxCity to my friends!”

Luke Brance

“I was searching for the perfect puppy for my family, and LightxCity did not disappoint. The customer service here is fantastic! The staff is very welcoming and takes great care of the dogs. I selected a Poodle, and she is just so cute and smart. Thank you, LightxCity, for helping me find such a wonderful companion!”

Ryan Chance


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